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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Shut up already! I really don't give a shit!

Have you ever met one of those people who just won't SHUT UP? Even when you're telling them to, "Shut the fuck up!I really don't CARE enough to listen to what you have to say!" They just don't get it and keep yammering on like what they're saying is really important, but it's really all just some inane, nonsensical bullshit...
A fine example: I'm at the grocery store one day and this woman was bitching about not being able to find canned asparagus. Trying to be polite, I told her to look in the "canned vegetables" aisle. She was kind enough to thank me, but then she ingratiated herself on my time and decided to go on some rant about how her gojillionaire husband needed her to slap together some dinner for the kids that evening because their nanny had taken ill. She was all blah, blah, blah the kids are such a pain in the ass, she never wanted them, that's why she hired a nanny, blah, blah, blah, she can't believe she has to do manual labor, something about a nail appointment and a spa treatment of some sort... Blah, blah, blah blah...
I was trying to walk away, but she was on me like white on rice... Rambling on about shit and I really didn't care... I even told her that I had to go because I had other things to get done. I took a call on the cell and went about my shopping while she tailed me, yammering on about the woes of being a  woman of leisure... Finally I said, "You know? I really don't give a shit! I told you where to find the whatever it was you were looking for. Go cook for your kids! Go away!"
She called me a rude bitch. Really? Wow... The moral? It doesn't always pay to "stop and smell the roses" because the ratio of cool people that you come across is minute compared to the assholes you come across in life. Doesn't mean you shouldn't try though!

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