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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Mia here...

New to the blogging thing, but apparently it's quite therapeutic... Plus, ranting and raving is what I DO.
Through EBAY, I've met some very great/ interesting people, as I have in life. (EBAY is awesome. Online tag sale EXTRAVAGANZA! Banzai, baby! ) Military folks, house wives, new moms, people working their way through school, people who make a living off of Ebay-ing, and just some downright awesome people who took a chance and said, "Hey! You seem pretty cool!"
So, here I am... Life took some zigs, zags, dips, dives and some downright, toe curlin', hair raisin', heart pumpin', aneurysm inducing "WOO HOO HOO!"  Yup... Divorced, four kids, pathetic child support that isn't paid, no alimony, bankruptcy, house foreclosed on, moved in with mom and dad with said four kids, lost my dog, car repo'd...  Not necessarily in that order, but sounds like a bad country song, don't it?
Yeah, good times... Gooooood times.
My Cop
Found me a good man though (a cop) and I got me a best friend (a lawyer) that have been there for me through some pretty tough times. Cop and a lawyer...  I dubbed them Law and Order.  The way they'd have it though, they'd rather be called Anarchy and Chaos. It's probably more accurate anyway...
Ebay's been good to me. I sell mine and my mom's stuff online. It's been paying the bills... And I've met some really cool people. Although I love the idea of making transactions with nameless faceless people to make the money to pay the bills, (you sell, they buy, you send, done... Kinda like prostitution, but without the regret and awkward moments) if you stop and smell the roses though, there are really cool people out there... Lost faith for a while, but they ARE out there. 
Life? Yeah... What can I say. It's unfair. Life's a bitch.. Fuck it.. Fuck it hard, dry, well and repeatedly... Whose your daddy!
So, I'm back... I'm tired of having been stuffed into "the box". I don't want to be in the box anymore. Screw that! I spent way too long in a marriage that kept me in "the box". I was expected to be someone I wasn't... No more! I'm outta the box and you'll have to kill me good and dead before you stuff me back in BIOTCH!
I will rant! I will rave! And DAMN IT! "The code" has been called! I want blood! I want vengeance! I want money! I want it all!!! And a chocolate chip cookie. With caramel ribbon! Mitchell! Where is my DAMN COOKIE! Bake,  you friggin' Kosher Jew Lawyer! What was it that "he" calls you? Oh, right, you "little RAT"! You got me my divorce, now I want my CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE! WITH CARAMEL RIBBON! Thank you! XOXOX
Politics? Phew! Yeesh! Don't know where to begin... Can't even BEGIN to open up that can of worms...
Random topics? Well, don't those happen every day? You have people talking about all sorts of stuff on these "blog" things. They bitch and complain about everything... Most of them don't really go out and DO anything about it though, do they? They just like to sit and impotently piss and moan about what ails them...
I want more outta life. Patents, here I come... Books? Yeah, well, I'm workin' on it! (I promise Myra!) I'm not being the patsy for everything that goes wrong... No more. I do NOT want to be the source of blame for everything anymore. DO YOU HEAR ME?!!!
Wow! This ranting thing really is kinda therapeutic... I guess... This'll be the rant and rave forum... Ebay, parents, life, patent lawyers, politics, publishers, when things get shitty, when things don't get shitty... I'm giving myself a year and seeing where I end up at the end of it... If I'm still impotently pissing and moaning and didn't really accomplish anything... Well, I've got issues... If I've actually accomplished something, it's everyone else who's given me shit who's going to have the issues!
8/26/2011, Mia's coming with vengeance, armed to the teeth for bear, trained to shred any motherfucker in my way, and angry that life took a wrong turn... VERY angry...

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