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Friday, August 27, 2010

Define what a "real cop" is for me...

So, my man's ex-wife has  been posting a bunch of not so flattering things about him on her facebook account... So has her live-in, short, fat, pussy boyfriend...
I can understand the whole, "My ex is a jerk!" thing... Believe me! I get it. A LOT! I also get that there are three sides to the story too, Hers, His and What Actually Happened. But let's be reasonable and think this through like the rational, intelligent  species we're supposed to be, shall we?
Now, rationality and this woman are not something that go hand in hand. She lives in her own world that revolves around her, is about her and fuck everyone else. A prime example...
My Lucky, a.k.a. My Sweetie, a.k.a. Sugar Lumpy Head, a.k.a. My Googlie Schmooglie... Yeah, you get the idea... Well, he pays alimony, half the mortgage, half the insurance on the house, half the taxes, pays child support... On time or early, as ordered in the separation agreement that he signed, she signed, the attorneys signed and the judge signed, all of them with the knowledge that all parties read, understood and agreed with (not saying "thought was fair". Because he pays through the nose so HIS KIDS could stay in their home, he gets to live with his parents because he can't afford to be anywhere else)what was written in said agreement.
Now, said woman, had her boyfriend move in a short time after the divorce... Stated in above mentioned "agreement" is a tidbit about "cohabitation", which was clearly happening. Why should Lucky have to pay for her love nest?  Oh, yeah. He doesn't.
She was served with papers to redo the alimony. (Not the child support, mortgage, taxes, etc.) Twenty seconds after she gets served and realized what was going on, she threw a temper tantrum and she calls MY ex-husband to give him some gory details of my relationship with Lucky, that she obtained by hacking into Lucky's email account. Mind you, my relationship with Lucky is none of her business and none of my ex's business, but of course this communication betwixt the two exes leads to a nuclear meltdown of Chernobyl proportions. Exactly what she wanted.
Why? Well, she couldn't hurt Lucky directly, so she attacked the next best thing... She doesn't know me or my children and my relationship with Lucky began long after she was fucking someone else in the marital bed and my marriage was long over. And certainly, she has not the balls to say my children had done anything to her... Really?
Innocent bystanders suffering for her selfish act of desperation (and still are) because she wasn't going to be allowed to have her cake and eat it too. Nice...
So, she likes to post things about how he was lousy in bed, he's not a good father, he's not a real cop... Well, let me address a few of these things...
Lousy in bed... Well, I'm thinking it takes "two to tango". If you're laying there like a cold dead fish, no matter how enthusiastic your male counterpart is, well... It can only be as good as both parties make it. Since I have never had problems in THAT arena with Lucky, I assure you, (Ooooh... Ahhh... yessssssssss....Mmmmmm.... What? Oh, sorry...) it kinda stands to reason that it wasn't him that made it lousy...
Not a good father... He bends over backwards to bring in the money (on a cop's salary) to make sure that the kids stay in their home. He spends as much time with them as he can. Gets them to school, especially in rotten weather. Cooks and feeds them dinner, buys them what they need, plays with them outside, plays with them inside, gets them out to do things, finds things to do with them at the house. He laughs with them, cries with them, talks to them, listens to them... These are all things that any parent should be doing, but in no way does doing these things makes him a bad father, does it?
Now, he's not a real cop... What, because he works in the tiny rich-ass neighborhood of Ridgefield? What does that make the rest of the officers there that she still calls "friends"? They fake cops too? Fine, Ridgefield is not NYC or some other hugely populated big-ass city with gangs and shootings and rapes and murders, etc.  I get that. Maybe the most excitement they see somewhat regularly is someone going 60 in a 25 praying that there might be a "roll around" after the car is pulled over...  Should something happen in this small little town and the shit really hit the fan, backup would be five minutes away, whereas in a bigger city, backup would be there within seconds. Five minutes to a "civilian" is nothing... Really. But to someone who a cop who is in need of assistance, five minutes is an eternity. It doesn't change the fact that any police officer in any town or city, big or small doesn't ever say to themselves, "Today won't be the day..." while pulling on the vest under their uniform. Cops get killed on the job no matter where they're working. It happens. We read about it in the papers almost every day, but it doesn't stop them from pulling on their vests and becoming "the job". (Have you thanked a cop lately?)
I don't even want to imagine being the one receiving the "knock at the door" with two cops standing at the door, heads down with hats in hand... And I pray I'll never have to experience it.
Lucky tells me about his shift every day. Sometimes, eh! Nothing too exciting. Sometimes, downright funny. Sometimes... Tragic. Regardless, of the kind of "day" he's had, it makes me proud to be able to say that I'm his girl, every day. The ex-wife can take her "not a real cop" and shove it right up her tailpipe- spiked, wrapped in barbed wire, sideways, dry, hard and well. Anyone who has one "on the job" ANYWHERE would agree with me there...
Her short, fat, little pussy boyfriend was quoted as having said something along the lines of needing to "get his walking shoes and move on". Well, as long as Lucky's paying for half the mortgage on the house, (making the house HALF LUCKY'S) Little Pussy needs to shut the fuck up and sit his fat ass back the fuck down on the couch, the cowardly little shit. If he wants Lucky to walk, BUY HIM OUT AND GIVE HIM HIS HALF OF THE EQUITY ON THE FUCKING HOUSE! Little Pussy should put his own name on the mortgage.Then you will see "moved on", but Little Pussy has to keep in mind that no matter what happens,  when Little Pussy is "playing house" with mommy, those are  LUCKY'S kids.
Pleasant and polite are they to my man's face, only are they willing to badmouth by blogging under cover of passwords and "club memberships", while I will always post publicly. As much as I wish for a day that the two of them would openly have it out with the two of us so that a true confrontation can be made and all things can be put out on the table, well... I know it would never happen. The cowardice there runs too deep and too far and too wide. They'll keep their little fan club entertained with half the truth... Eventually though, even if one by one, the fan club will come to know the WHOLE truth...

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