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Monday, August 30, 2010


Come on! The Princess Bride was one of the greatest movies ever! How can you go wrong? It's one of my all time favorites! (Along with Up, Happy Feet, Army of Darkness, Boondock Saints (both of them), and Braveheart just to name a few.)
I say Braveheart simply because it is the GREATEST love story EVER! Seriously! Boy meets girl, boy loses girl because some asshole killed her, boy kills girl's killer along with a whole buttload of other people, raised an army, and all of them went-an-ass-kickin' on all of England. That's kinda cool. Imagine saying, "If you so much as BREATH on me, my man will go all 'William Wallace' on your ass!"  If you've seen the movie, you can understand that, right? I mean that's love! Yeah. Awesome.
And Boondock Saints? Come ON! Willem Dafoe made the first one. Am I right? And Rocco's speech in the second one?
I don't get out to see movies much because I really don't feel like spending $50 just to go and see a movie. I'd just as soon wait for it to come out on DVD and watch it in the comfort of my own room, any time I want to, but there are ones that you just HAVE to see on the big screen. Especially when you have shit blowing up and gore and violence and slo-mo gun fight scenes and junk and stuff... Need to see it HUGE in order to really appreciate it, no?

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