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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Taking a "proud moment"...

Lucky, being a cop has seen the uglier side of people than he really cares to admit. Some of the things he's seen is downright comical, while others of it absolutely tragic. Whether he goes to houses for simple alarm calls (or sometimes not so simple) or where things are getting froggy, I always worry.
He was recently sent to a call in his town after a 16 year old girl crashed a car into a tree. It was lethal. Looking upon the a lifeless and broken girl, who was crushed and bloody is something that would affect anybody. My Puppy Guts was one of the few cops on scene who got the "privilege" to witness the devastation... He was ruined for a while. And to see something like that, I would think that any human being would be. But the next night, My Lucky went back to work, all business, ready to take on whatever was going to come his way on that shift as well despite the horrible image of a broken and lifeless girl that was etched in his mind.
It's just what he does. I know that there are time when "the job" brings frustrations and nuttiness. I know every job does. But the frustrations that LEOs face is something a little bit different. It's not about sitting in a well lit, temperature controlled environment, simply sitting on ones rear end and putzing through the work hours. Mistakes in his field could lead to catastrophic errors. And despite the weather outside, rain, snow, heat, humidity, extreme cold... They are forced out into it in order to get their jobs done. Regardless of the action happening while "citizens" run the other way, these are the guys running in and that's their job too.
I have heard of all manner of calls that Lucky has been on and quite frankly, despite his promise that he would always come home to me, I worry. It's not necessarily his abilities to take care of himself because I am quite confident that he can. It's the fact that he and his "crew" never know what they should expect during their shift. Let's put it this way, did NYPD expect that what happened on 9/11 was going to happen? How about the Stamford cop who had to deal with Travis the chimp.... Many of such incidents all over the country happen, but of course, they really aren't ever expected to occur, but when they do happen, police officers/ first responders are there.
I am proud to call myself Lucky's girl and be able to say, "Yeah, this is MY Puppy Guts! He's a cop." Then, I get asked if it's tough being a cop's woman. Yeah, sometimes. The hours are strange and the worries are huge, but it doesn't change the fact that he is always my Puppy Guts. ...I'm so glad he gets it.

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