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Monday, October 17, 2011

Sibling spats...

They happen all the time simply because of the close quarters living situation. The sibling spats... There's four kids taking up three bedrooms and although for the most part, they all get along, that is not the case all the time. Someone loses patience with someone else and push comes to shove. Tempers flare, the whining and screaming come next and then..... :sigh:
I usually let it go for a little while and listen carefully to their interactions. Sometimes they resolve on their own. Other times I have to get involved. What I generally like to do is go in hard and dispense quick justice and be done. At least in that way, they work the rest out on their own and we go back to having peace in the queendom once again. Yes, I have to do it often in a given day, but the point is, I try to make sure that I quiet the situation down enough so that they do learn to work things out on their own. That's the beauty of the siblings thing really. I hope that some time in the near future, they will be able to look back on these years and laugh about them and be able to be the best of friends when they are older.... Those are my hopes. In the meantime, You'll have to excuse me. It's first thing in the morning and we have a "snot burger", a "stupid head" and a "lint licker" in our midst that I have to go deal with before breakfast........

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